War Child’s inspirational batman video

Behind the Scenes

Eight-year-old Kadar (not his real name), who stars in the film, was forced to leave his home in Syria and now lives in a refugee camp in Lebanon with his mother and father. As War Child notes, Kadar did not want to speak about the terrible things he has experienced as a result of the war – he is a child, and often escapes into an imaginary world as children do.

The short film, by War Child in partnership with Universal, MassiveMusic, In Case of Fire, and Sony, won Gold in the category “Film Craft, Director” at Cannes Lions 2017 and the Golden Radiator Award 2017. The Golden Radiator Awards which were started by the Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (SAIH), to honour the best – and the worst – in fundraising campaigns

Director’s Cut: The Principles in Practice

  • In the film, Kadar is not asked to reflect on painful memories, rather his imagination and capacity for joy are celebrated.

  • The harsh background of the camp is shown as the setting of the story, but it is not the focus of the narrative.

  • Audiences find themselves connecting with the spirit of play shared by children around the world as the film draws attention, first of all, to what we have in common.

  • While featuring real people, it minimises the risk of re-traumatisation by telling the story with a fantasy twist.

  • The film shows the human capacity for a wide-ranging emotions and multiple “truths” to exist in the same space.

  • The symbolic link between the father and the superhero, Batman, communicates the father’s strength, rather than his need. He is positioned as the hero, and audiences are left with the sense that he is a good father doing all he can for his family in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Some 250 million children are confronted every day with the horrors of war.

Fantasy is often the only way for these children to escape their reality. War Child supports conflict-affected children with vital protection, education and psychosocial support. Find out more here

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